“Don’t let a bad sports bra ruin your fitness journey!”
I started the couch to 5K in January 2015 without looking into it. I didn’t really prepare my body for my new fitness venture and after 2 weeks I injured my right calf. However, I would not be put off. I walked three times a week for a couple of months, covering a distance of 5 to 8k each time.
Months later my leg was finally back in working order. I was eager to start my training properly this time to avoid further injury.
I figured that there is a number of key essentials when it comes to jogging. Firstly, well fitted running trainers are a must. A light-weight waterproof jacket comes in handy. Running pants are crucial for comfort. An arm band for your mobile phone is optional but convenient. However the more important thing for me is a good … SPORTS BRA!
I’m a 34J bust, so as you can imagine keeping my boobies under control whilst running is important and a necessity. Personally, I’m a big fan of the Pananche Sports bra and at certain times of the month, a Freya non wired sports bra. My Blackburn based boutique, Eve Lingerie, sell these bras in various colours. I opt for black most of the time to match my running top. But sometimes I wear my bright pink bra because I can. Plus, the key to feeling good whilst running is to look stylish at the same time.
So often women forget about the benefits of investing in a good sports bra. Their boobies bounce and swing around, which may be a nice sight for the passing motorist (or not) but for the female runner, it’s not a good thing for her breast elasticity.
Our sports bras start at a B cup all the way up to a J cup and the prices range from £38 to £42. It may seem a lot of money for a bra but would you run in a pair of poor fitting running trainers? You might do, as I did. But I paid the price with a three month injury. Looking back, I should have paid more for a better pair of running shoes.
I knew I had injured my calf because it was impossible to run on it. Furthermore engaging in moderate to high impact exercise such as running without wearing a good sports bra could damage your breast. You won’t see it or feel it and it won’t stop you running but after a while you will notice your breast tissue getting soft. It won’t feel as full or firm. Also, if you’re losing weight at the same time your breasts will be changing in size.
So many ladies come to see me 12 months after embarking on a fitness journey. They have lost weight from running, walking or Zumba class etc. It’s now December and with the work Christmas party pending, they’re eager to show off their new figure. Which they have worked so hard on year-round. However their boobies are not playing, they have lost their fullness and elasticity. They feel empty.
I get asked to lift their breasts to make them look pert and firm again. 9 times out of 10, I can sort them out with the perfect bra to help shape their boobies. Though the lady, who invested in a good sports bra. Popped into the shop every six months to invest in a good everyday bra to coincide with her weight loss journey. Finds it easier to get the look she wants for that important party. Her boobies are in better condition.
Investing in the right bra is so important, regardless of age or size. The earlier you start the better but it’s also never too late.
Make a rule for yourself this year. Even if it’s just for everyday wear, visit us and get fitted for a new bra. Please make investing in a well-fitted bra a part of your New Year’s resolution and you won’t regret it.
Back to me, I completed the 5k training and I am hoping to start training for the 10k Manchester run in May. I cut all of the rubbish out of my life in 2015 and I feel great. I’ve lost three stone without dieting, just eating clean. My husband has lost six stone so far. I’ve still got more to lose but I’m in no hurry.
When I started in January 2015, My bra size was 36J or 38HH bra and now I wear a 34J. I’m 48 years old on the 25th January, so my boobies don’t look like they did when I was in my 20s but they are still firm and full. (Even with yo-yo dieting and four children).
I have been wearing the right fitting bras for 25 years and I am glad that I made the decision all of those years ago to invest in my chest.
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